Monday, 2 November 2009

Finding Impetus

Impetus, the great roman warrior, famed adversary of Procrastination, lover of Motivation and father of Productivity.

Yeah right. I'm fucking awful at finding the means, motive and opportunity to do something productive unless some kind of punishment hangs over my head.

I should really try harder. But I always have felt that the harder you try, the harder you can fail. Dedication pays off tomorrow, but laziness pays of right now.

But on a more positive note, what have I been doing? Well, I've been having a great time away from it all in freezing cold Guildford, visiting Viv. We had a great time on the Halloween pub crawl her chem soc organised. That's one thing I lament about with regards to my uni, Wolvo seems to have no really society structure, and as such, I have no real involvement with my university in a social context. I would like to do more, but I can't seem to find the competent, dedicated, interesting people responsible for facilitating my entertainment.

Apart from being a pain in my girlfriends butt (and other parts ^_^) I've also been watching my bodyweight in geeky goodness that is film and tv, which I will elaborate on in my geekposts.

As for gaming, I have sadly not been playing anything new, just the occasional Rock Band 2, and for a change of pace, I picked out Mirrors Edge and Team Fortress 2 from my book shelf, which I will be covering in my gamerposts.

Well, that's all for the personal communication.

Stay Classy Sandiego

1 comment:

  1. I would like to extend an invitation to a pants party... :P
