How’s this for being lazy, thanks to inspiration from Mr. Charles, I now don’t even have to fire up internet explorer (oh noes, I don’t use open source firefox/chrome/whatever) in order to blog. I like the thought of this, it’s somewhat pleasant to blog from my computer rather than a webpage. I have no idea why, kinda irrational.
Ooh boy do I have work to do. This weekend I’m going to dedicated Saturday to working on my edu-game, and Sunday will be the day of essays. The joy! I should be more motivated at least to do my edu-game seeing as there’s a £200 to £300 prize in it for me, which I do have plans for, should I win. I can’t give too much away, but should I win, I’ll take it as fate that I should make said expensive and quite significant purchase. Needless to say, I do want to win, so I’m gonna give it my best.
Right now, I’m still listening to copious amounts of Blue October. I don’t know what it is about their music, but it really moves me. I’m giving a lot of play time to Sound of Bringing Heaven Down, with such great lines as “I wanna show you how fascinating kissing is when Earth collides with all the space in-between” and “make love like time and space is ending”, paired with a really moving guitar/drum rhythm, it’s just a wonderfully positive to song to listen to.
I’m such an emo bastard, lol. When I was visiting my girlfriend Viv, I asked her to spray one of my t-shirts with her perfume. Now, this isn’t because I secretly prefer wearing it to say lynx. Instead, I now have said t-shirt inside my pillow case, so now whenever I go to sleep, I can smell Viv as if she’s next to me. It’s the little things like that that make the long distance thing work. That and a pretty much unlimited phone plan on both our parts. And most importantly, being so madly in love ^_^
Now, in my incredibly artistic and intellectual (lol) style, I’m going to wander aimlessly onto another topic altogether. I was having one of my interesting meanders through my own consciousness last night and had a thought. Would the world be a better place without organised religion? I’m not talking no religion, just no organised religion. No churches, no temples, no synagogues or mosques. Just people worshipping privately and with friends, not being told how to worship. Think about, no one idea could ever seize hold because if people didn’t like it, they’d ignore it. You may still get fanaticism, but you get that with cults anyway. I think if everyone worshipped personally and not as part of some herded group, things would be a lot better. That’s just my opinion, feel free to comment (respectfully) about what you think.
It’s getting late now and I should probably think about sleep. After thinking about it, I should probably do some. Got a few GeekPosts and GamerPosts to come, looking at this week in GeekTV and the Left4Dead 2 demo.
Remember kiddies, you should never accept candy from strangers, unless it’s REALLY good candy.
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