Okay, well the obvious starting point would be ‘what were my new years resolutions’? Well, this can answered with my first ever update of the year:
“Davyd is going to eat healthy, learn catnoses [sic] and develop his AR game! (Thu, 01 Jan 2009 14:58:42 GMT)
Now, I only managed one of these three, which was eating more healthy. I now enjoy more fish, more veg, less sugar and I also watch my calories, which has helped so much. Unfortunately, I haven’t mastered CATonese, nor Cantonese neither. The AR (augmented reality) game plan fizzled out early on for two reasons. Firstly, my work load meant I only had time for one director project, my uni assignment. Secondly, all the AR plug-ins and tools for director suck ass! But I’m very glad that I kept to the important one.
Talking of food, it was in this month that me and Viv made an epic trip to woktastic in Birmingham, a sushi bar with real conveyor belt. What lured us in was the all you can eat for £10 a head. We set ourselves a challenge to each enough to make it £1 a bowl.
I’m a dab hand with chopsticks
£20 and two full bellies later, twenty empty bowls.
In terms of video games, the big hitters keeping my Xbox warm were rock band 2, CoD 4 and Mirrors Edge. I really enjoyed mirrors edge and I think it gets unfairly trashed because people can’t appreciate that it was a new IP that tried to innovate, even thought the usual game ‘polish’ suffered.
The high and low point of this month was going with down to Guildford. It was a high because we got to spend time together seeing all of her friends and having some catch up fun, but a down because I had to say good bye to her at the end of it. There was a spontaneous trip to visit Viv in the middle of month which was really nice.
I also celebrated my mums birthday on the 14th at a VERY posh Italian restaurant in Coventry. I say posh because the menu was DAMN expensive (but tasty)
One major downer for the month was my computer crashing and me having to recover every file and reinstall it all. This wouldn’t be the last time this happened, but in the end, the damage was minimal and it only took me a short while to fix it all, as a rather triumphant update will testify:
“Davyd has fixed his entire computer in less than 4 hours! Record time! Woo! (Thu, 29 Jan 2009 23:45:22 GMT)”
Overall, it wasn’t too bad a start for the year of ‘09. Here are some statistics for the month:
Number of Status Updates: 17
First Update: “Davyd is going to eat healthy, learn catonese and develop his AR Game! (Thu, 01 Jan 2009 14:58:42 GMT)”
Last Update: “Davyd is playing Rock Band 2 (Sat, 31 Jan 2009 21:03:53 GMT)”
Favourite Update: “Davyd is going to eat healthy, learn catonese and develop his AR Game! (Thu, 01 Jan 2009 14:58:42 GMT)”
- Gotta love the lol-worthy spelling mistakes. Me confusing Viv’s second language with the dialect of cats!
Great to see you taking up my idea! Look forward to the rest! Keep them coming! x