Monday, 26 July 2010

Project Lose An Olsen Twin Week 1

So, I’ve managed one whole week of better eating and conscientious exercise. And I’m already seeing the benefits! What a great start! It’s all part of the Philip DeFranco inspired project ‘Lose An Olsen Twin’. In other words, lose 65lbs. This may seem like a lofty goal, but I always like to aim high. My starting weight for this is 200lbs (14.5 stones), whereas for my height, my ideal weight is somewhere in the region of 155lbs (11 stones). This is something I really want, so I’m going to go for it!

Now to clarify, this isn’t some kind of fad diet, where I’m only allowed to eat watermelon, orange peel and cabbage leaves steamed under a full moon. Rather, I’m simply counting my calories while reducing my intake of negative dietary components. You see, the crux of losing weight is consuming less calories than you expend. You do that and your body begins burning your stores of fat, thus you lose weight. Additionally, eating slow burning carbohydrates (long sugar chains) gives you energy that keeps you going and doesn’t get immediately stored as fat. Conversely, avoiding simple sugars (short sugar chains) means you don’t have to worry about doing exercise straight after eating a mouthful. The same goes for swapping out saturated fats (hard to break down, thus more readily stored as fat deposits) for unsaturated fats (easily broken down into fat acids, thus not stored as fatty deposits) helps. I’m still getting to eat what I like, including the occasional burger, or even kebab. I’m just eating in moderation.

As for exercise, I have a simple routine. I do a period of cardiovascular exercise, good for getting up heart rate, followed by reps, one rep for every minute of cardio. This mix of endurance and intense exercise covers all bases and is more enjoyable than just running or just lifting weights.

Now for my progress. When I started out a week ago, I was doing 10 minutes of cardio and 10 reps. Within a week, I’m up to 30 minutes of continuous cardio and 30 reps, in my case, 30 sit ups. I’m hoping to reach 60/60 by the end of the month and maintain that for the long run, adding some additional routines or varying my reps to including push ups, once I’ve got my upper body strength up a bit more. The fact that I’m doing 30 sit ups a night daily is amazing me, I never thought I’d be able to do that.

In real terms, I’ve not been able to monitor my weight due a lack of bathroom scales. Instead I’m monitoring my progress in three ways. Firstly, as I mentioned above, I’m tracking the improvement in my stamina and endurance, which is very encouraging. I’m also starting to enjoy that sense of being worn out afterwards, which is very satisfying.

Secondly I’m observing my appearance, which is the primary motivation. I want to look healthier, and already it seems to be working. I’ve lost a bit of weight from my face and arms and my ‘love handles’ are beginning to reduce.

Finally, I’m using my wardrobe to see how well I’m doing. As I’m sure a lot of people do, I have a few articles of clothing that range from ‘snug’ to just damn well don’t fit. My goal is to not have to buy new clothes, just fit into the stuff I haven’t worn in a while. And it’s working already. A shirt I bought about a year ago that got to tight for me to comfortably wear around Christmas is already fitting better. I have a scale of various tops that will let me gauge my progress in real, practical terms and also serve as excellent motivation.

I plan on keeping a photographic record (which won’t be posted on here you’ll be glad to know) so I can make better comparisons of my progress. This is a long term thing for me, so I’m not expecting to hit my ideal weight any time soon. Wish me luck!

Thursday, 15 July 2010

What? He’s Back? (I honestly didn’t care)

Hello all 3 people that read this. As you’ve probably not been caring about, I haven’t posted a blog entry in fucking ages! This is because…..

dum dum dum

…I really couldn’t be arsed. It was mainly due to the fact I started doing these 365 Da(v)y(d)s, monthly summaries of last year. It seemed like such a great idea at first and I was enjoying myself. But I have this horrible mentality that the moment I’m ‘forced’ to do something, I immediately hate doing it with a passion. That’s the main reason why I don’t play games like Resident Evil. The whole mentality of playing between save points makes me feel ‘forced’ to play, so I just stop playing. Today I was going to get a book out of the library, but it was on 7 day loan only. Now I knew I could read not only this book, but the book I’m currently reading, easily within the week, but being forced to would mean I’d absolutely hate it. Well back to the blog. So I was feeling very forced to complete each entry, but I also felt that it would be a terrible sin to publish any other blog entries before I completed my 2009 summary, ‘breaking’ the chronological recap of my year. So my blog became covered in digital dust as I tried to recapture the desire to finish my ‘09 recap. In the mean time, half finished blogs on other subjects built up in my drafts column, until today. Today I decided that I just needed to blog what I felt like. I’ve been dying to blog some of my dungeons and dragons exploits because I know at least 1 person who reads this (I’m talking about you Will!) will find that interesting. So sorry if you were remotely interested in my coverage of last year, that’s old news!

So what will be happening in the blogs to come? Well first off, I’m gonna talk more about personal stuff. I don’t really have anywhere to vent that’s as good as here. Secondly, there’ll be more dnd stuff. I’m gonna try my hand at summarising the adventures of my friends party in literary form, along with talking about my design process. And finally, whatever else comes to mind. For example, I’ve started a more conscientious weight loss ‘program’ called ‘Project Lose an Olsen Twin’. Inspired by my favourite Youtuber, Phillip DeFranco, the goal is to lose 65lbs (a little over 4 stone or 30kg) It’s a hell of a big target, but will put me in a much healthier weight bracket (borderline obese/overweight to ideal)
My game plan is the following: walk any distance 30 mins or less on foot, unless raining (I don’t want to get ill), 20 sit ups a night, increasing by 5 sit ups a week minimum, eat less than 1800 calories a day. Fingers crossed this should help me shed some pounds. I’m currently at about 200lb (14.5 stone/90kg), but don’t have any scales atm to keep track of my progress.

I think the next post will be my dnd post, so laters.